
Who are you the who
Who are you the who

Individuals exempt from masking (for example, children under two years of age) can return to public settings without masking.Individuals should avoid activities where mask removal is necessary (for example, dining out). Participation in activities where masking can be maintained may be resumed.Reasonable exceptions would include taking off the mask temporarily for essential activities where as much distancing is maintained as possible (e.g. Maintain masking as much as possible in public settings.Self-monitor for symptoms and self-isolate if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms.The initial person with symptoms / person who tested positive doesn't need to extend their self-isolation period if other household members become sickįor a total of 10 days after last interaction with the person with symptoms / positive case, all household members must: Household members with no symptoms that are required to isolate should extend their self-isolation if any other household member develops COVID-19 symptoms, until the last symptomatic (or positive case) has finished their isolation period. Household members that are required to isolate (see 'who needs to self-isolate') should isolate for the same length of time as the person with symptoms / positive case. If you're a household member of someone with COVID-19 symptoms or someone who tests positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test or PCR test, review these instructions. Not visit or attend work in a highest-risk setting.Not visit anyone who is immunocompromised or at higher risk of illness (seniors).children under two years of age) can return to public settings without masking Individuals should avoid activities where mask removal is necessary (for example dining out). eating in shared space at school) where as much distancing is maintained as possible. Reasonable exceptions would include taking off the mask temporarily for essential activities (e.g.

who are you the who

  • Wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings.
  • For a total of 10 days from the date of test or when symptoms began (whichever was earlier), individuals must: If self-isolation ends after five days, more measures are needed due to continued risk of spreading the infection.
  • Severe illness (requiring intensive care or at discretion of hospital infection prevention and control).
  • Individuals who reside in a highest-risk settingĢ0-day self-isolation from the date of test or from when symptoms began (whichever is earlier) for:.
  • Individuals who are hospitalized for COVID-19 related illness.
  • Individuals 12 years of age and older who are not fully vaccinated.
  • In all scenarios, symptoms need to be improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms) and no fever present before ending self-isolation.įive-day self-isolation from the date of test or from when symptoms began (whichever is earlier) for:ġ0-day self-isolation from the date of test or from when symptoms began (whichever is earlier) for:
  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19.
  • The day you developed symptoms or got tested (whichever came first) is day zero. Requirements for individuals exposed to COVID-19 and length of isolation may depend on individual factors such as vaccination status. Requirements for self-monitoring and self-isolating See 'Requirements for self-monitoring and self-isolating' for instructions and length of isolation.įor information on who is eligible for COVID-19 testing and what your test results mean, see COVID-19 testing and your test results. Some exemptions may apply follow federal guidelines. Individuals may be required to follow federal quarantine and testing requirements after international travel. Otherwise, household members must self-isolate.
  • Previously tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days.
  • Are under 18 years of age and are fully vaccinated.
  • Are 18 years of age and older and have received their booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Household members are not required to self-isolate if they do not have symptoms AND one of the following applies:
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen or PCR test.
  • Have COVID-19 symptoms (regardless of vaccination status or if they previously tested positive for COVID-19).
  • Take the COVID-19 Self Assessment if you were exposed to COVID-19, have symptoms or for screening for recommendations on what to do next. The Ministry of Health outlines the following requirements for people with symptoms of COVID-19, individuals who test positive, household members and close contacts. This information outlines guidance that applies to the general community, and school and childcare settings.

    Who are you the who