This suggests the Night Mother was either a Redguard herself, or has had affections with one.Īt one point in history, when working with the Thieves Guild to gain popularity for the Dark Brotherhood, she has been described as "a little old lady with fluffy white hair, cheeks like wrinkled apples that still carried the flush of youth, friendly eyes, blue as the Iliac Bay." by a witness. Literature of the same year, but in Evening Star, says "the Night Mother stroking her daughter's hair" the daughter being Corda, a Redguard. She has most definitively made business in the first era, as suggested by 2920, vol 07 - Sun's Height, with Sotha Sil, a member of the Psijic Order. The Brothers of Darkness suggests that The Night Mother is merely a title for the leaders of Morag Tong. While the Night Mother has certainly had relations to Morag Tong, it is questionable if she has even been the same person all along. Before this, in Daggerfall, the Night Mother is identified simply as an immortal spirit with the likeness of either a Redguard or a Khajiit woman. The Night Mother has also been credited as an incarnation of Daedric Prince Mephala, whereas she is also identified as Severa Magia in Morrowind during the Third Era. However, the woman depicted by the statue was said to have lived in the First Era. One indication of this is that the Lucky Old Lady is surrounded by five children. The Night Mother might also be the same person as the Lucky Old Lady. This takes into account her children in Dark Brotherhood beliefs. There are skeletal remains of one adult and five children in her tomb.

In Oblivion, her tomb is located underneath the Lucky Old Lady statue in Bravil. The Night Mother is likely to have lived during the Second Era, as indicated in the in-game book The Brothers of Darkness. After the deed was done, Sithis gave her the honor of being his wife and being the head of the Dark Brotherhood. According to Dark Brotherhood beliefs, she is wife of Sithis, but was told by Sithis to kill her five young children in his name.